Privacy Policy - Long Screenshot


Technology Fusion is committed to protect your privacy and it’s not only important to us but we intending to protect your personal information by all means. Therefore we are developing this privacy policy outlines the manner in which personal information is collected, used, and disclosed by the Full Screenshot App. By using Long Screenshot Markup App, you have to agree with the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy declared by the developers at technology fusion.


Information Collection:

1.1 Personal Information: The App does not collect any personally identifiable information such as your name, address, or contact details.


1.2 Usage Information: The App may collect certain non-personal information automatically when you use it, including but not limited to your device information, operating system, app version, and usage statistics. This information is collected to improve the functionality of the App and provide a better user experience by developers.


Information Usage

2.1 App Functionality: The App uses the collected information to provide its primary service of capturing and generating long screenshots. The usage information helps us understand how users interact with the App and make improvements to its features and performance.


Information Sharing

3.1 Third-Party Service Providers: The App may engage third-party service providers to perform various functions on our behalf, such as analytics, hosting, or customer support. These providers may have access to your non-personal information but are strictly bound by confidentiality obligations and are not permitted to use it for any other purpose.


Data Security

We prioritize the security of your information and have implemented reasonable measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of the data we collect. While we strive to ensure the security of your information, please understand that no method of transmission over the internet is completely safe.


Children's Privacy

The App is not intended for children under the age of 18. We do not intentionally collect personal information from your children. If we become aware that personal information has been collected from an under 18 child without parent's permission, we will take strict steps to remove that information from our collected data servers.


Permissions Taken by Long Screenshot App:

1.Read External Storage:

The Long Screenshot App requests the "Read External Storage" permission to access files and media stored on your device's external storage, such as SD cards. This permission allows the App to retrieve images, screenshots, or other media files from your device's external storage, enabling you to select and capture long screenshots of those files.


2.Write External Storage:

The "Write External Storage" permission is requested by mobile apps for specific purposes that involve writing or saving data to the user's external storage, such as SD card for file creation and modification.


3.Screen Overlay Permission:

The Long Screenshot App may request the "Screen Overlay" permission on certain devices and operating systems. This permission allows the App to display an overlay on top of other apps or the device's user interface. The purpose of this permission is to provide a convenient and user-friendly experience when capturing long screenshots.


Changes to this Privacy Policy

The provided privacy could be updated time to time and must be available over this page. Any changes will be effective upon posting the revised policy within the App. We encourage you to review this privacy policy for better user experience.


Contact Us

If you have any questions or inquiry regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us @


By using the Long Screenshot App, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Privacy Policy and agree to its terms and conditions.



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